Please pray for my dear friend, Grace!!

Please pray for my dear friend, Grace!!

You can contact me at


Today's Bible Verse...

Daily Bible Verse

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person -- such a man is an idolater -- has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Ephesians 5:3-5  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search


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These are my personal creations. Please feel free to enjoy and use them for your own personal inspiration. They are however NOT to be copied, captured, or used in any way for publication, contests or sale without my express permission. I thank you for understanding.

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ODBD Bread Basket

Friday, June 20, 2014
Hello Friends!!  I hope all is well!! I am so excited to have the opportunity to join the Bread Basket in sharing inspiration from Our Daily Bread Designs most recent release especially since I was unable to join the release post on June 1.  This release has so many wonderful stamps and dies that I love!!! My talented dt sisters have lots of inspiration to share!!

Here is my creation using the ODBD Galileo Rose Co.. and the Blushing Rose collection paper!!

Here are the supplies from the new release I used:

For more inspiration using the gorgeous ODBD June stamps visit  the ODBD blog or my talented dt sisters:

Grace * Sandee * Stacy * Dawn * Lori * Cathy * Julie *

 Sabrina * Wanda * Chris

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you are in some way inspired by my creation!!


CherylQuilts said...

Oh, Chris, this is gorgeous! I love how you've shaded inside this beautiful seed packet, and your roses are exquisite! Beautiful card layout and lovely embellishments! Totally love it all, precious friend! Tender hugs and feel better!

Sandra H said...

Wow Chris this is truly beautiful x

Dawn said...

a beauty, Chris! love your handmade roses too!!

Grace said...

Simply gorgeous Chris!!! I love the rose ribbon with this Galilee Rose stamp! Beautiful coloring... gorgeous layout and details my friend! So good to have you back with us!!!

Cathymac said...

Your roses are just gorgeous, Chris! Love the use of pretty papers and the rose perfect! Your designs are always amazing, my friend! I am so blessed to have received one of your beautiful creations! Thank you so much...Hugs!

Conniecrafter said...

such pretty coloring and like your border of roses to go with it!

Amy Johnson said...


Greta said...

Beautifully done, Chris! Love the addition of the ribbon roses!


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