Please pray for my dear friend, Grace!!

Please pray for my dear friend, Grace!!

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Today's Bible Verse...

Daily Bible Verse

"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name."
Psalm 91:14  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search


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These are my personal creations. Please feel free to enjoy and use them for your own personal inspiration. They are however NOT to be copied, captured, or used in any way for publication, contests or sale without my express permission. I thank you for understanding.

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Monday, September 29, 2014
A couple of weeks ago I received a pleasant and surprising email from my friend and dt sister of Our Daily Bread Designs, Cathy McCauley, asking me if I heard of the Creative Blog Hop.  Up until then I had not....until she shared some other posts by some other amazing crafters participating in the hop.

The Creative Blog hop is an ongoing blog hop design that works on a nominating system, where I nominate 2-3 other desires whom I admire and inspire me.  The idea is to learn more about designers in blogland by asking and answering 4 questions.

If you don't know Cathy, or you have not seen your creations, you have missed a lot since she is a real sweet heart, an amazing friend and person, and extremely talented!!  Cathy's signature is stitching and extreme creativity.  I am always inspired by her ability to try new things, including mixed media, and the amazing details she adds to each. Just look at this amazing creation by Cathy.

To think she nominated me!! I had so much difficulty two cards to showcase from her.  Cathy is amazing!!

Here are the questions we are asked to answer.
1. What am I working on right now?
While I used to be a designer for several design teams, and am a Dirty Dozen Alumni on Splitcoast Stampers, I am currently a member of the Our Daily Bread Designs (ODBD) Design Team, as well as the ODBD Shining the Light Challenge Coordinator.  I stay very busy!!  In addition I enjoy playing in challenges in blogland and on Splitcoast to stretch my creativity and grow as a crafter.

Unfortunately as of late, I have been more confined and have limited mobility due to breaking my ankle and suffering from a pulmonary embolism.  My projects include those that are a bit more CAS or include less media.

The cards or projects I create I use to send or encourage others...especially from my church family. 

Here is one of my latest projects.

2. How does my work differ from others in my genre?
I really don't feel that my work is all that different from others.  I enjoy surfing other peoples galleries, pinterest, and blogs to see what others have done.  My best ideas come in the middle of the night.  I have a notebook next to my bed.  I try to vary my style and not keep to one style completely.  Others tell me that I am very detail oriented and have a more textured or layered look.  In the past, several have commented on my stitching.  Unfortunately, my physical limitations as of late makes it more difficult for me to stitch; although on my good days, I will add stitching for a finished look.

I love creating 3d Projects or gift boxes or different folds...

3. Why do I create what I do?
Creating for is an outlet for me and an opportunity to share my love of God's creation and my faith. I want to share the love and abilities God has given me with others .  Many times I am inspired by scripture and I just love to put a smile on the face of my recipients.  

4. How does my creative process work?
Most times I begin with a certain stamp set.  My colors are inspired by my design paper if I am using any.  Once I have decided my stamps and colors, I decide upon a layout or fold.  I love to be creative in my designs but if I am suffering from a creative block, I go to sketches in blog land or Splitcoast.  The sketches or creations change as I create and sometimes turn out completely different from what I planned. Sometimes, my creations begin with a challenge or inspiration. I just love to make my creations look realistic but I also enjoy taking artistic liberties when coloring!  If I want realistic coloring, I often will google for pictures that are more realistic.

Well that is enough about I get to nominate two other talented ladies to join the hop!!


Kathy Roney from Joyfully Made Designs

I had the pleasure of working very closely with Kathy in the past as a design team sister on the Our Daily Bread Designs Challenge Team.  Kathy currently designs for Heartfelt Creations.  Since Kathy has moved to the South and is only a few hours from me, I hope to meet her soon in person.  She is an amazing artist and friend!!  She puts all her love, faith, and talent in to each every project she creates.  Her details, coloring, layering and designs are beyond stunning!!  She is a master at combining a variety of sets together to create a masterpiece!!  Here is one example of her amazing creations:

Robin Clendenning from Inkmagination

Robin (aka as Stamperrobin on Splitcoast Stampers) and I have the pleasure working together on the Our Daily Bread Designs Challenge Team.  Our Term on the Dirty Dozen Team also overlapped for a few months. Robin is very talented and enthusiastic.  Her enthusiasm shows in all her creations with her bright colors and very detailed pieces of art.  Most of her creations are full of luscious layers and much eye candy!!

Here is an example of one of her creations...and this doesn't include her gorgeous coloring just her stunning layers and textures!!! Sheer elegance!!

I love and admire each of these talented ladies.  Please stop by there blogs next Monday, October 6, when they will be sharing a little bit about themselves.  I am sure they will have lots of fun facts and projects to share!!

I hope you have enjoyed this post!! Thanks for stopping by!!  Have a blessed day!!


Cathymac said...

Aaaaaaaah, Chris! I enjoyed reading about you and your creative passions! We really DO have a lot in common when it comes to the creative process. Your creations are always amazing…even though you are limited in your crafting time as of late. I pray you are recovering more each day. I can't wait to read more about Kathy and Robin as I admire these ladies as well. Hugs!

Kathy said...

Chris, it is so nice to learn more about you and your creative process! Your creations are always so gorgeous and inspiring and continue to be even with your limited mobility! I'm so honored to be nominated by such a talented and sweet lady like you! I pray your body will continue to heal. Blessings dear friend! Kathy

Robin Clendenning said...

Thank you so much Chris!! What a nice write up and I love the card you used!! Geekgirl loved it so much she bought it from me! LOL!!
All of your cards are just gorgeous! One of my favorite is the anchor center step card. I just LOVE that card!! Thanks for inviting me to blog along!
Love you my friend!

Sandra H said...

Beautiful post Chris stunning cards too x

Grace said...

Beautiful post Chris! Loved reading about what inspires you, and you know how much I love your work! Love your choices to pass this honor on to as well!!!

CherylQuilts said...

Oh, Chris!! What a beautiful Creative Blog Hop post! I loved reading it and seeing the wonderful cards. It's always fun to learn how people go from a single piece of paper to something that is absolutely gorgeous, as your work is!! And I so agree that your card making comes from a love of the Lord. It shines through all you do! And what fun to see the two wonderful friends you've nominated - both so well deserving and wonderful, godly gals! It's a joy to know you all, and I look forward to their posts! Thanks for taking the time to share with us - it was fun! Hugs, dear friend!


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