Please pray for my dear friend, Grace!!

Please pray for my dear friend, Grace!!

You can contact me at


Today's Bible Verse...

Daily Bible Verse

"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."
Luke 6:43-45  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search


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These are my personal creations. Please feel free to enjoy and use them for your own personal inspiration. They are however NOT to be copied, captured, or used in any way for publication, contests or sale without my express permission. I thank you for understanding.

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Saturday, April 21, 2012
Happy Saturday everyone!! Today is going to be a quick post sharing this week's Shining the Light challenge at Our Daily Bread Designs since I am not feeling well.  I think it is the flu and I have had it for a few days now.  The only thing I feel like doing is lying in bed....I kind of look as sorry as the dog on my card today.  LOL!


This week's challenge at Our Daily Bread Designs Shining the Light: 
Go Green- Either mostly green on your card/project or recycle something on your card/project in remembrance of the nature God has created for us!!

To make the challenge even more fun, we will be giving out a prize, $15 gift certificate to be used toward stamps at the Our Daily Bread Designs store!! Entries for thprize must be submitted by Friday, April 27th at 8 a.m. EST. One random winner will be chosen and announced next Saturday. 

While it is not required to use Our Daily Bread Designs images and sentiments on your creations, we would love to see them if you have them. As a way of recognizing those who do use Our Daily Bread Designs stamps, we will again be choosing three or more of our participants  for the  Shining the Light Award . In order to qualify for this award or join the challenge, however, you must use Our Daily Bread stamps and have your submission added to Mr. Linky by Friday, April 27th at 8 a.m. EST. If you upload your creations to Splitcoast Stampers or any other online gallery, please use the keyword is ODBDSLC105. When creating your posts on blogs please include a link to the challenge.

For my card I used a recycled green bow and the Our Daily Bread Designs: Paw Prints and Dog Sympathy.  The designer paper is Prima Sparkling Spring.  The shape was created with the Spellbinders Classic and scalloped circles (grand) cut out with the Grand Calliber. The image is colored with copics.

I hope you were in some way inspired by my creation.

For more inspiration for this challenge, please visit my dt sisters:

To see all the creations in one place or join the challenge, click here.

Challenges I am entering my creation in:
Inspire Me Fridays – Always Anything Goes 
Wags 'n Whiskers - Week 2, Anything Goes
Sarah Hurley Challenges - (2nd week) Circles
Shelly's Images -  Anything goes
NEW* Crafty Sentiments Monthly Spring Creations
*NEW* Jellypark Juniors - P1, M, Must be under 16yrs of age -  Anything Goes
Just Keep on Creating Anything Goes

Thanks for stopping by!! We hope you will join us for this week's challenge. We can't wait to see your creation!!



martina's kaartjes said...

such a lovely card !
greetings, martina

Sandra H said...

This is just so lovely:)x

Wanda Cullen said...

Awww...your doggie is adorable! So sorry you're not feeling well! Sending you some cyber chicken soup and prayers you'll feel better soon!

Patti J said...

I sure hope you can rest this weekend, and feel better! Your card is so sweet! Poor little pooch looks so sad. Get better, dear friend...

Amy Johnson said...

Awwww, such a sweet card. Hope you feel better soon.

Kathy said...

Even when your sick, Chris, you make beautiful creations! Hope you can get some rest and feel better. Blessings! Kathy

Sabrina Jackson said...

Hello my sweet friend! I am sorry you are not feeling well, I suppose the not enough sleep and all of the change has taken a toll on your body. I pray that you feel better soon! Now on to your card, it is absolutely gorgeous, your coloring is amazing and that recycled bow is perfect! Sending you healing prayers and some hugs, Sabrina

Darlene said...

Awww ... I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well Chris! Please take care of yourself! Your creation is as adorable as are all your creations! Great job ... even when you're sick! HUGS (long distance of course) ...
Thanks so much for joining our "ANYTHING GOES" challenge at Shelly's Images! Please come back and join us again real soon!!
Shelly's Images DT

Danni said...

Feel better!! Very sweet card!

Cards By Jan said...

Oh Chris.......what a sweet awesome beautiful heart-warming puppy card!! I love this little fellow, and have it coming, can hardly wait...You did wonders on your card hun!!

Love & Hugs

JD/ Jill said...

Such a sweet card...Hope your feeling better. Will add you to my prayers. Jill

Nicki Olsen said...

How Gorgeous and cute!! I love the colors and the dp!! Stunning coloring mom!!

Saints Rule! said...

So darling Chris! What a cute/sad little puppy face!! Beautifully done!

Unknown said...

Hi Chris! I haven't visited in forever, sorry about that. I found your adorable card on Inspire Me Fridays. Love how you colored your pup. Hope all is well. ~Lori

Rosemary said...

what a super sweet card, chris!! the little puppy is so perfectly colored... have a wonderful weekend!! hugs!

Jan Marie said...

Beautiful card, Chris. . .love the shape, the glitter and the fantastic coloring. . and the green gingham ribbon! So sorry you're not feeling well and I do pray you're better soon! Hugs and blessings! (can't get germs with cyber hugs! :D)

Sue from Oregon said...

Oh Chris. lovely card! Sure hope you are feeling better girl.

Clare Brown said...

such a pretty card,goodluck at Sarah Hurley Challenges

Conniecrafter said...

very sweet, I like the oval framing inside a round card!

suzARTe said...

hi Chris,
this card is just lovely. the recycled bow looks fantastic and I love the main image which goes perfectly on a round card.

I hope you feel better soon, take it easy.

Thanks so much for entering your card at Anything goes, Just keep on creating. I hope you will continue to share your lovely work :)

Marlena M. said...

I'm sorry to hear you feel bad, Chris. I pray you're back to your cheerful,healthy self soon. I love your sweet, round card!

Claire said...

Lovely card, thanks for joining us over at Sarah Hurley this week.
C xx

Anonymous said...

This is such and adorable card Chris. Love that adorable puppy my friend.

Feel better sweetie, hugs, Angela

Crystal said...

AWWWWWWW I LOVE the circle shape and that puppy is sooooooo sweet, truly darling sweetie!!!!


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